Search Engine Optimization

The days of “build it and they will come” are long past us. In order to survive in an e-commerce world, a seller has to learn the online game, which can be challenging when the rules change every day. SEO, Social Media – what are these tools and how can you apply them to your advantage?

What is SEO? SEO, short for Search Engine Optimization, is the art of improving your ranking in search engines. The higher you rank in a list of search engine returns, the more traffic gets driven to your site. Sounds simple.. but it’s in many ways a black art. And it’s the kind of voodoo that’s important for someone working in e-commerce – if you want to sell your widgets, and there are lots of widget sellers out there on the web, then you’d better make sure your widget shop shows up first. How to achieve this?

→ Read Search Engine Optimization 101.